Bolivian Fair Trade Organic

Bolivian Fair Trade Organic

  • $7.25
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Medium roast for Pour Over, Auto Drip, Aero Press

Score: 83-84 points. AROMA/FLAVOR: Peach, Forest herbal, Toffee, Sweet corn, Bittersweet chocolate, Vanilla. Peanut. Clean & consistent. ACIDITY: Intensive citric (lemon lime). OTHER: Creamy aftertaste.  Full flavor, balanced. Classical Specialty Bolivian clean, sweet coffee.

These coffee beans are 100% Specialty Arabica (Tipica 30%, Caturra 20%, Catuai 20%, Icatu 30%), certified organic and Fair Trade and shade-grown in the higher altitudes. These coffee beans were de-pulped and washed using pure Andes mountain-spring water, sun-dried on wooden table tops and hand selected by "Palliris" (Aymara Indian women food graders).
